• Tel: +234 704 811 0223
  • info@harvardmontessorischools.com.ng
  • Location: Thinkers Corner, Enugu.



Dear Entrant, you're welcome to the registration page of Harvard Links Montessori Schools, Enugu State. Congratulations for successfully passing the entrance exams. You are required to fill the registration form below and come with the following documents to the School office for registration.


1. Medical report: Genotype & blood Group (indicate any allergies)
2. Tellers/Receipts of payments made
3. 2 passports
4. Photocopy of birth or baptismal certificate
5. Photocopy of testimonial/First School leaving certificate
6. Complete Registration form (click on the link below and fill correctly the registration form before submitting).

Click to fill registration form